January 5, 2020 • 11:00 am

A New Year's Prayer


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: New Years Messages

Synopsis: Moses was a humble man and a hopeful man because he remained a prayerful man who lived in the reality of God. He wasn't just a religious man who "said his prayers" each night before going to sleep! From this prayer of Moses in Exodus 33 we learn important truths. He offers two requests to the Lord that are the same two requests we must take to the Lord if we are to develop the kind of relationship he had with God and if we are to correctly handle the uncertainties that lie ahead in the new year.

December 29, 2019 • 5:30 pm

The Glory of Christmas: A Message of Grace and Joy, Part 2


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Lights of Christmas

Synopsis: In this final message in this series, part 2 of "The Glory of Christmas," we zero in again on the expression in Luke 2:9, "the glory of the Lord." The glory of the Lord is associated visually with God's grace and favor as shown by His presence in brilliant light. It is also shown by a verbal statement of God's grace and favor. Are you the recipient of God's gracious, saving favor? Are you enjoying the blessings and benefits of Christ's coming for you? This third light of Christmas is the final light we look at in this series.

December 29, 2019 • 11:00 am

The Glory of Christmas: A Message of Grace and Joy, Part 1


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Lights of Christmas

Synopsis: In this message we zero in on the expression in Luke 2:9, "the glory of the Lord." The glory of the Lord is associated visually with God's grace and favor as shown by His presence in brilliant light. It is also shown by a verbal statement of God's grace and favor. Are you the recipient of God's gracious, saving favor? This third light of Christmas is the final light we look at in this series.

December 22, 2019 • 5:30 pm

Emmanuel: The Promise Is Present


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Christmas

Synopsis: This very well-known name of Christ is usually thought about around Christmas time. Ever wonder why it is spelled two different ways in the Bible? Ever really think about the meaning of that name and the incredible significance that it holds? Find out in tonight's message!

December 22, 2019 • 11:00 am

The Star of Christmas: A Message of Guidance and Joy


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Lights of Christmas

Synopsis: Today we consider the second light of Christmas - "the Star of Christmas." In our text we note the magnetism of the star, the miracle of the star, and the message of the star. Great challenging truth from God's Word for you as you look around at the lights of Christmas and perhaps even at your own tree which may be topped with a star!

December 15, 2019 • 5:30 pm

Christ: Your Christmas Gift


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Christmas

Synopsis: Tonight's message concluded the Christmas program entitled, "Noel: The Christmas Story in Song."

December 15, 2019 • 11:00 am

Christ: The Light Promised - A Message of Hope and Joy


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Lights of Christmas

Synopsis: The beauty of Christmas lights is best seen and best enjoyed against the backdrop of a dark night. Even so, our text in Isaiah 9 reveals the beauty, magnificence and joy that is to come because a great Light would shine brightly in the darkness surrounding it. It is a passage that is rich in messianic significance. Christ is the child to be born and the Son to be given! If you would benefit from the message and Messenger of Hope, you must personally respond to Him and His message!

December 8, 2019 • 11:00 am

Following the Servant-Savior, Part 3 - How to love God


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Surveying the Gospel of Mark: Christ the Ideal Servant Savior

Synopsis: In the previous message, we answered the question "What does it mean to love God?" We found that Mark 12:30 deals with the essence of our value system as well as the expression of that value system at a very core level. Have defined the love this text calls for, we move on today to consider how to display that love. How do you love God?

December 1, 2019 • 5:30 pm

An Encounter with the Christmas Angel


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Angels

Synopsis: Luke 2 records for us a third instance of an encounter with an angel who delivered good news from Heaven--this time to the shepherds who were out in the fields near Bethlehem. As we consider their encounter with "the Christmas angel" there is important truth for us to learn and by which to be challenged.

December 1, 2019 • 11:00 am

Following the Servant-Savior, Part 2: What does it mean to love God?


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Surveying the Gospel of Mark: Christ the Ideal Servant Savior

Synopsis: A scribe asked Jesus which of the 613 Jewish commandments had the highest ranking, was the most important to obey, was of fundamental importance and central to everything else. Jesus' answer is given in Mark 12:30-31. Together they summarize the essence of and the entirety of the OT law. that gives rise to three important questions: 1) What does it mean to love God? 2) How does one love God? and 3) Is loving God an emotion, a decision or both? This message begins looking at just what Jesus was driving home in Mark 12:30.

November 24, 2019 • 5:30 pm

The Psalm of Perfect Praise, Part 2


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Thanksgiving

Synopsis: In part two of this message from Psalm 145, we look at the second key component of biblical praise. When these two components are embraced and practiced, they generate a genuine spirit of thanksgiving to God.

November 24, 2019 • 11:00 am

The Psalm of Perfect Praise, Part 1


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Thanksgiving

Synopsis: There a number of unique features about this psalm and reasons that justify referring to it as "The Psalm of Perfect Praise." If we would praise God as we ought, then we must learn from David how to praise God as He deserves. Why? Because this type of praise generates genuine Thanksgiving! Learn two key components to biblical praise that will help us pattern our praise of God after David!