October 6, 2019 • 11:00 am

The Sin-Forgiving Savior


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Surveying the Gospel of Mark: Christ the Ideal Servant Savior

Synopsis: In this fifth message in our survey of Mark's gospel, we discover another portrait of Christ given to us--The Sin-forgiving Savior. That raises two questions: 1) What gives Christ the right to be declared so and to act in that capacity? and 2) Why is this so critical of a portrait to see? The answers are presented very clearly in this second gospel of the New Testament!

September 29, 2019 • 5:30 pm

The Origin of Angels, Part 2


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Angels

Synopsis: Tonight's message continues a look at the origins of angels--when they were created and how many of them were created. We learn from their creation, important lessons about our own creation and how we find fulfillment in living.

September 29, 2019 • 11:00 am

What Manner of Man Is This?


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Surveying the Gospel of Mark: Christ the Ideal Servant Savior

Synopsis: Today we look at a second portrait of Jesus that John Mark presents to us in His gospel. We're surveying this gospel to answer the question posed by our text, "What manner of man is this?" No one else can do what He does nor speaks like He does! No man died like He did!

September 22, 2019 • 5:30 pm

Angels: Messengers & Ministers


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Angels

Synopsis: To begin this series, we look at Scripture regarding a word of warning regarding "Angel-mania" and a word of instruction regarding what the Bible actually says about angels.

September 22, 2019 • 11:00 am

Our Sympathetic, Servant-Savior


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Surveying the Gospel of Mark: Christ the Ideal Servant Savior

Synopsis: Mark develops a portrait of Christ that is to be firmly fixed in our minds. He presents five different arenas which qualify the Lord to be our Sympathetic, Servant-Savior!

September 15, 2019 • 5:30 pm

An Introduction to Mark


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Surveying the Gospel of Mark: Christ the Ideal Servant Savior

Synopsis: When you finish reading the sixteen chapters of this second gospel in the New Testament, what is the designed impact this gospel is to have on you? What's the takeaway?

September 15, 2019 • 11:00 am

Good News!


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Surveying the Gospel of Mark: Christ the Ideal Servant Savior

Synopsis: In this first message in the series on the Gospel of Mark, we note the purpose in writing this gospel and summarize the message of this book in one sentence. When that message is embraced, born-again believers will be expressing the distinctiveness of a Christianity that "shines as light" in a dark world!

September 8, 2019 • 5:30 pm

Two Doors


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Heaven: Land of the Free and Home of the Saved

Synopsis: In this final message in the series on Heaven, we answer two final questions: How does one get to be with Christ forever? (There are only two doors!) and Who is going there?

September 8, 2019 • 11:00 am

An Anchor for the Soul, Part 2


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Synopsis: This message covers the last two statements of Psalm 118:6 which grow out of the conviction expressed by the first statement in v. 6. There is a cause/effect relationship here. Once we embrace the first truth, we can enjoy and employ the perspectives found in the second and third statements the Psalmist declares. What is said has nothing to do with having a certain personality type enabling one to enjoy what is said. It has everything to do with taking what God says at face value and living in the reality of it. When we do, this verse tells us what that looks like in life.

September 1, 2019 • 5:30 pm

In the Eye of the Storm


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Synopsis: All eyes are upon Hurricane Dorian as it slams into the Bahamas with sustained winds at 185 mph - a strong Category 5 storm. Storms naturally carry a lot of uncertainties and with them the temptations to worry and fear--whether those storms are meteorological in nature or circumstantial. During these times it is good for us to fill our minds with the certainties of God's nature, character and work. Doing so, we can know the calm that is to be found "in the eye of the storm."

September 1, 2019 • 11:00 am

An Anchor for the Soul, Part 1


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Synopsis: Psalm 118:6 is one of those verses that can function as "An Anchor for The Soul," for one’s life. It’s a stabilizing & securing truth; it's a great text to quote to one’s self when going through times of distress as the psalmist did & to receive assurance as he did. There are three truths about our God that I want us to notice in this text. This morning's message presents the first one: the LORD is my constant Companion.

August 25, 2019 • 11:00 am

Two Kinds of Faith: True/False, Part 2


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Synopsis: In part 2 of this message, we look at the second kind of person that has a second kind of faith - the blessed man who expresses true faith. Here Jeremiah will also present the true nature of faith and the sensibility of expressing it. What type of faith does your life evidence--true or false?