Our Ministry Plan

Our Mission
Our mission, very simply put, is to glorify God. That means our aim is to accurately reflect & represent God's nature so others come to acknowledge His pre-eminence, character, splendor and dignity; the end result being the delivery of praise and worship for all that He is, for all that He thinks, for all that He does.
Our reason for existing forms the basis for our ministry and our ministry plan.
Our Objectives
From our mission we derive the following six Scriptural objectives.
- Evangelism – in our community and abroad
- Instruction in God’s Word - preaching, teaching the Holy Scriptures as God's authoritative and inerrant revelation for today
- Fellowship - Opportunities to enjoy bonding time with folk within our church and with like-minded believers without
- Worship - in a manner that accurately reflects the character of the triune God as revealed in the Scriptures
- Corporate Prayer - Not only on Sundays but we meet together during the week for the purpose of praying together
- Equipping the Saints to Do the Work of the Ministry - each born again believer has been given at least one spiritual gift to be used in ministry. We want to develop people and their gifts so they can use them to edify the entire body of believers.
Our Strategy
- By sacred, congregational worship – preaching, teaching, music, and the adoration of Christ
- By structured programming – education, in-reach & outreach
- By strategic, local and world missions ministry – outreach locally and abroad
Our Vision
As a called out group of believers who have been reconciled to God by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, the purpose of Foster Creek Baptist Church is to glorify God and with the power of the Holy Spirit, obediently make, edify and equip disciples of Christ in our community and throughout the world.Our desire is to learn, love, live the truth found in God's Word, the Bible, and to encourage others to do the same.
In summary, our ministry plan can be stated as follows:
“The family of God ... built on the Word of God ... to the glory of God!”