
Our Purpose
Just before the Lord Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven, forty days after His resurrection from the tomb, He delivered a great commission to His disciples which is to be carried out today by modern day disciples of Christ. His commission entails the preaching of the Gospel (the good news of individual rescue from sin's penalty, deliverance from God's wrath and an eternal acceptance with the Father based upon the imputation of Christ's merit and the value of His shed blood on the cross and subsequent resurrection) both in local contexts and abroad. With that in mind, our aim is to be obedient to that great commission through the various ministries of our church. Partnering with us in this assignment are missionaries who are supported financially by our congregation so they can advance the Gospel in foreign lands and start indigenous local churches that can in turn do the same.
Our Scope
This “Great Commission” is in five parts and is found at the close of each of the first four books of the New Testament (the Gospels) and at the beginning of the fifth book (The Acts of the Apostles - an inspired account of the first thirty-two years of early church history). As a complete unit, Christ specifies the responsibilities and privileges of His disciples individually and then corporately as they work together in a local church context.
- Matthew 28:18-20 presents their assignment - make disciples of all nations for the Lord Jesus Christ. Their aim is not the number of decisions that can be obtained or decision cards that can be filled out, but disciples made. In reality then, an evangelistic thrust satisfies only 1/3 of this commission and is not to be construed as the total fulfillment of it.
- Mark 16:15 presents the scope of their commission - preach the gospel throughout the world. Everyone should be given an opportunity to respond to the message of salvation.
- Luke 24:46-48 declares the message they are to deliver - repentance and faith in Christ alone for the remission of sins.
- John 20:21-23 instructs them regarding the authority for their declaration - the King of kings has personally commissioned them as His official ambassadors to herald His message.
- Acts 1:8 assures them of the power available to carry out the assignment the Lord Jesus has given as they seek to proclaim the truth regarding the person and work of Christ.
Our Program
In addition to having local outreaches and supporting home and foreign missionaries, our vision includes the incorporation of short-term mission trips and missionary conferences designed to encourage a burden for missionary enterprise and to give church members first-hand experiences of what life is like on the field as they work alongside our missionaries whether across this country or overseas.
Our Missionaries
Click here to meet our missionaries who serve the Lord across this country and in various places around the world.