Ministry Links

The following web sites are not controlled by us and are provided for your interest and benefit. Their inclusion does not necessarily indicate our blanket endorsement of all the material contained on those sites.
Local Interest
City of Hanahan -
Hanahan's homepage -
South Carolina's home page
The Post & Courier -
The Charleston, SC newspaper
Christian Camps
The Anchorage -
Located on the shore of Lake Waccamaw not too far from Wilmington, North Carolina, a wonderful "get-away"
The Wilds Christian Camp -
Located in the Western mountains of N.C., one of the finest in the Southeast
Christian Colleges
Ambassador Baptist College -
Lattimore, NC
Bob Jones University -
Greenville, SC
Foundations Bible College -
Dunn, NC
Pensacola Christian College -
Pensacola, FL
The Crown College of the Bible -
Powell, TN
Christian Music
Abiding Radio -
Listen to a great collection of conservative, sacred vocal, instrumental and Christmas music.
Majesty Music -
The Music Ministry of Ron Hamilton
Patch the Pirate -
Online Home for Ron Hamilton’s Patch the Pirate Adventures & Music
Sacred Audio -
Conservative Christian music and more
Sacred Music Services -
Dr. Tim Fisher’s music ministry featuring instrumental and vocal recordings along with a “listening room”
Sacred Sheet Music -
Dr. David Parker’s ministry resource featuring the music of C&L Enterprises as well as a tremendous variety of quality sacred sheet music for every possible need in the church, Christian school and home—instrumental and vocal.
Stouffer Music -
Stouffer Music is a family vocal ministry devoted to praising the Lord in song.
The Bible Broadcasting Network -
National and international multi-lingual broadcast ministry
The Wilds Christian Camp -
Instrumental and vocal recordings from The Wilds
Other Christian Organizations
American Association of Christian Schools
Answers in Genesis -
An apologetics ministry dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively; publishers of Creation magazine and a wealth of information on scientific issues as it relates to the Bible
Ark Encounter -
Experience the life-size Noah's Ark! This modern engineering feat is awe-inspiring and will amaze young and old alike as biblical history comes alive.
BJU Press -
Christ-centered resources for education, edification and evangelism
Christian Answers -
An extensive searchable database on various topics
Creation Museum -
Located in Petersburg, KY, there are over 140 state-of-the-art exhibits in a 75,000 sq. ft. museum that brings the Bible to life and promotes a scientific, young-earth explanation of the origins of the Universe based upon the literal interpretation of the Genesis account of creation.
Crown Financial Ministries -
Formerly known as Larry Burkett's Christian Financial Concepts
Institute for Creation Research -
Where science and the Bible are fully integrated
Kids 4 Truth! -
Desiring to infuse the most important truths about God, man, and eternity into young hearts and minds so they are grounded in the Word of God
Patch the Pirate Clubs -
Capturing kids for Christ!
Positive Action for Christ -
Publishers of materials for Christian schools, home schools and churches
South Carolina Association of Christian Schools
The Charles Spurgeon site -
Everything you would want to know about Spurgeon
Wall Builders -
A fantastic wealth of information presenting America’s forgotten history and heroes with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage