Seven Good Reasons to Attend

Discover Seven Good Reasons to Consider Coming to Foster Creek Baptist Church!
1. The Lord
No matter what people say, God is real and He is alive today. He wants you to become part of His family. One day He will literally return for His Church and take His children home to be with Him eternally. Are you ready for that day? At Foster Creek Baptist, we’ll help you come to know God on His terms, how to live a life that pleases Him, and how to be ready for His return. Life is all about Christ...loving Him, living for Him, looking for Him!
2. The Bible
Although the Bible is a mystery to most people, it is the one book God has protected for thousands of years. Through the Scriptures we not only learn the truth about God but also of His plan for man. God’s Word instructs us how to enter into a relationship with Him, how to walk with Him, love and serve Him as He deserves. In our services you will hear God’s Word explained in a compassionate, straightforward, practical manner that will encourage you and impact your life.
3. God-Honoring Music in Worship
We believe all aspects of our worship service should demonstrate our respect and admiration of a holy God. Although worship is much more than music, we believe the music that pleases God is not derived from the culture, but from the Scriptures. Our music strives to be a reflection of our view of God and His character. Traditional hymns of the faith, as well as selected conservative and Scripturally sound Christian music written by present-day composers reveal our sincere desire to worship the Lord respectfully.
4. A Caring Family
Foster Creek Baptist is a family of believers united in Christ who express a great love for one another and for guests who come. Allow us to serve you! When you come to Foster Creek Baptist, you will meet friendly, sincere people who encourage one another, enjoy being together and desire to make new friends. We would love for you to become a part of our family!
5. Answers
Have you ever wondered, “What is my purpose in life?” “What gives my life real meaning?” “Why am I here?” “How do I find peace within?” At Foster Creek Baptist we can point you to Christ and His sufficient Word to help you find answers to life’s difficult questions and discover His unique plan for your life!
6. Your Children
Children are shaped by the environment around them. We desire to give children the love and instruction they need to prepare them for useful service to God and others. We have various ministries geared towards giving them opportunities to know God, serve Him and others.
7. You
We all have a tendency to stray from God—we need constant reminders of what He has done and how we should respond. You need a place where the Bible is taught, loved, and lived. You need friends who are interested in knowing Christ and living for Him and who will support you and encourage you to do the same.