Helpful Documents

Below you will find some helpful documents that will give you more information about our ministry. Click on the links below to access the files you desire and then the file will be downloaded into your download directory or whichever file folder you have selected by default. Check the upper right of your browser to find where your document is.
Our Doctrinal Statement
What We Believe
Our Bylaws
How We Operate
Becoming a Member
Important information for you to know
Philosophy of Pastoral Ministry
Governing guidelines for ministry
Philosophy of Youth Ministry
A framework for working with teens
History of Foster Creek Baptist Church
A brief snapshot of our beginnings to the present-day
1 Year Historical Bible Reading Plan
A unique schedule for reading the books of the Bible in the order they are found in the Hebrew Bible and in the order they were written in the NT!
McCheyne Bible Reading Schedule
Here's a very practical, helpful tool to enhance your "God-and-I" Time! We are using this schedule for 2019.