November 1, 2020 • 5:30 pm

To Elect or Not to Elect


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Current Events/Issues

Synopsis: Someone once said, "progressive policies always bring regressive results." Jeremiah 7:24 would support that claim! It's with that in mind and the upcoming critical elections this Tuesday that the words of our text serve as both a warning and an admonition for us who know the Lord. The Apostle Paul took advantage of his Roman citizenship in Acts 16:37-39, 21:39; 22:25-29; 25:1011. So there is scriptural warrant for us as American citizens to exercise our privileges and rights of citizenship -- part of which is making the time to cast an informed vote in our elections!

November 1, 2020 • 11:00 am

God Is Love, Part 5 - The Effect of God's Love


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Behold Your God!

Synopsis: If God's love is designed to impact me by making a difference in my life, then how do I express His love? What does that look like in life? God's love compels us to love others in the way He loves us: it is a love that follows a divine pattern. 1 John 4 provides us with a model for expressing God's love. This message covers three of the five characteristics in this chapter.

October 25, 2020 • 11:00 am

God Is Love, Part 4 - The Effect of God's Love


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Behold Your God!

Synopsis: God's love not only transforms a person's soul - bringing new life, a new nature, and imparting eternal life -- but it also transforms a person's life on earth! God's design is that the manifestation of His incredible love (1Jn. 4:9) should compels us to offer two grateful responses, one of which is the expression of His love to others. Today's message answers the question "Why should we love one another?" with two reasons given in 1 John 4:7.

October 18, 2020 • 11:00 am

God Is Love, Part 3 - The Extensiveness of God's Love


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Behold Your God!

Synopsis: This message is part 3 in the study of God's love from 1 John 4. God's love is an extensive love. Today we answer the question, "How much does God love me?"

October 11, 2020 • 11:00 am

God Is Love, Part 2 - The Evidences of God's Love


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Behold Your God!

Synopsis: Whereas young children will readily accept the unconditional nature of God's love, teens and adults tend to interpret God's love on the basis of their own feelings and experiences, comparing it with human expressions of love or the lack thereof. If they have had unfortunate, painful experiences in life, they are more prone to believe that while God may love people generally, He has not shown much love personally to them. So how do you and I know that God loves us personally? What evidences are there? Our text answers those questions in this morning's message.

October 4, 2020 • 5:30 pm

Happiness Is....


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Synopsis: What are you looking to for the source of your happiness? for your satisfaction? Tonight we address an area in the believer's walk that affects his perspective on life. Where is happiness found? Can we know genuine happiness? How?

October 4, 2020 • 11:00 am

God Is Love, Part 1 - The Essence of God's Love


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Behold Your God!

Synopsis: God's love for us personally is never a case of mistaken identity. Beginning today and for the next four Sundays, we look at four aspects of God's love and will ask and answer four questions. Today is the first: we look at the essence of God's love--What is it really? What does the Bible mean when it declares that "God is love."?

September 27, 2020 • 5:30 pm

The Greatness of God's Mercy


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Behold Your God!

Synopsis: Mercy is not a temporary mood that God gets into from time to time and on certain occasions. It is an essential part of God's eternal being! If God can rescue us from our most miserable condition which is identified in today's text, then He can certainly intervene to work in any lesser miserable condition. Our text also magnifies a beautiful, amazing aspect of our God's nature - His mercy. Our text reveals three epochs of time in which the richness, the abundance of God's mercy is on full display. All of it is designed to extract from us the worship and praise God deserves.

September 27, 2020 • 11:00 am

The God of Mercy


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Behold Your God!

Synopsis: There are those who see mercy as something in conflict with justice. Some equate mercy with giving an offender a second chance to do something. But is that really what mercy is all about? What is meant when the Bible declares that our God is "The God of Mercy?" Psalm 103 answers these questions for us.

September 20, 2020 • 5:30 pm

The Greatness of God's Power


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Behold Your God!

Synopsis: God’s power to us and for us is exceedingly great & is expressed in the same terms as the same power that was mighty and evident in the resurrection of Christ from the grave! This means three important things and establishes three reasons God's power is great.

September 20, 2020 • 11:00 am

God Is All-Powerful


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Behold Your God!

Synopsis: God is a God of all power and as such is worthy of our worship, service, and loving loyalty! So as we learn what it means to “Behold our God” as it relates to His power, there are two questions for us to ask and answer: 1) What does it mean that God has all power? 2) What does it mean to us personally that our God is a God of all power?

September 13, 2020 • 5:30 pm

God Is All-Wise, Part 2


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Behold Your God!

Synopsis: Tonight we continue addressing the question, "What makes God's wisdom so impressive so as to call forth our full trust, confidence and devotion? What is it about God's wisdom that delivers peace of mind and stability of life in the midst of adversity? This morning we looked at the first reason: Because God's Wisdom Cannot Be Frustrated. Tonight we look at two other truths.