March 3, 2019 • 11:00 am

The Divine Blueprint for Confession of Sin


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Arrival of Revival

Synopsis: One of the great hindrances to the arrival of Revival is unconfessed, unforsaken sin. We all know sin needs to be confessed, but how exactly do we go about doing it? What really is involved in confessing sin to God?

February 24, 2019 • 5:00 pm

Being a True Follower of Christ


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Synopsis: What does it mean to be a true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ? What does that look like in life? Here's what the Lord Jesus taught in today's text of Scripture.

February 24, 2019 • 11:00 am

No Welcome; No Blessing


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Epistles of John: Fellowship Provided, Possessed and Protected

Synopsis: Fellowship with God assumes a separation from the enemies of God; a separation from deceivers and false teachers whom the apostle labels as "antichrist." We are to refuse fellowship with them. So what do you do when they come to your home or invite you to participate with them in religious activity?

February 17, 2019 • 5:30 pm

Heaven: A Place of Promise


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Heaven: Land of the Free and Home of the Saved

Synopsis: How can Heaven be such a joyful, perfect place of no sadness when I know that some of my loved ones will not be there to enjoy it with me? When there will never be any hope of a reunion with those loved ones who rejected Christ? Here's what God's Word has to say about that!

February 17, 2019 • 11:00 am

Truth or Consequences


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Epistles of John: Fellowship Provided, Possessed and Protected

Synopsis: In this second half of John's second epistle, He gives warning about false teachers/deceivers. We are to reject their deceptions (v. 7), reject their influence (v. 8) and recognize the consequences of God's truth and their error (v. 9). John calls born-again believers to refuse fellowship with them. What is the key test that reveals they have gone beyond what God teaches and become progressive in their teaching? Does it really matter what one believes about Christ?

February 10, 2019 • 5:30 pm

A New Heaven and A New Earth, Part 2


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Heaven: Land of the Free and Home of the Saved

Synopsis: The Apostle John was given the privilege of seeing a coming new heaven and a new earth. The characteristics of this future home of every born-again believer bears some similarities to the present heaven and earth but there are some striking differences! Rather than being "pie-in-the-sky theology," these truths are designed to impact our current thinking and living. Here's how....

February 10, 2019 • 11:00 am

On Guard Duty


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Epistles of John: Fellowship Provided, Possessed and Protected

Synopsis: Verse 8 presents the second danger for which the Apostle John issues a warning. From the first verbal command in this epistle, our text today is a call for guard duty. Verse 8 also presents a two-fold purpose for the issuance of this call to personal vigilance against false teachers/deceivers and their false teachings.

February 3, 2019 • 5:30 pm

A New Heaven and Earth, Part 1


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Heaven: Land of the Free and Home of the Saved

Synopsis: The hope of the OT believer and the NT believer is the same: they share a confident expectation of future blessings that focus on a future new heaven and a new earth. Tonight's message focuses on the process that leads up to that new creation of God referred to in Revelation 21.

February 3, 2019 • 11:00 am

Dealing with Deceivers, Part 2


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Epistles of John: Fellowship Provided, Possessed and Protected

Synopsis: If we are to correctly deal with deceivers/false teachers, not only must we be able to identify them, but we must understand the seriousness of the threat they pose to us as individuals and as a church. The seriousness of their threat is seen by the level of their commitment and by their confession.

January 27, 2019 • 5:00 pm

The Theme of Heaven's Worship


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Lord's Supper

Synopsis: What is it about the Lamb of God that makes Him worthy of the worship extended to Him? the focal point of eternity? Why should He be the focal point of our earthly worship? of our lives?

January 27, 2019 • 11:00 am

Dealing with Deceivers, Part 1


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Epistles of John: Fellowship Provided, Possessed and Protected

Synopsis: In this second message from 2 John 7, we find five characteristics of deceivers, false teachers. Here's how to identify them.

January 20, 2019 • 11:00 am

True Love; Love Truth, Part 3


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Epistles of John: Fellowship Provided, Possessed and Protected

Synopsis: Today we cover the third key truth this short second epistle of John covers: Truth and Love call for discernment of those that claim to be teachers of God. We also look at the connecting link between the commands John gives in vv. 5-6 and the warnings he gives in vv. 7-11. How does love and truth related to false teachers and their false teachings?