October 1, 2017 • 6:00 pm

Sola Scriptura, Part 2


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Reformation - 5 Solas

Synopsis: This second message in this Reformation series continues looking at the first "Sola," "The Scriptures Alone" (Sola Scriptura). This message answers the questions, "Why the need for this conviction today?" "Why should this be an area of concern for us?" and "Why should we stand upon this principle of truth as a matter of personal and corporate conviction?" It may surprise you to learn of some areas in which this principle of truth is being compromised today.

October 1, 2017 • 11:00 am

Sola Scriptura - Part 1


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Reformation - 5 Solas

Synopsis: One of the beneficial results of the Protestant Reformation was the deliverance of five Latin statements that represented the five core values embraced by those who rejected the excesses, abuses and heretical teachings of the Roman Catholic Church -- especially with regard to the doctrine of salvation. These same five core values ought to be embraced today as fundamental convictions and lived out by every genuine born-again believer. So it is entirely appropriate for us as Baptists to look at these and remember the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in that light. In this first message, we look at "Sola Scriptura," meaning, "The Scriptures Alone" or "Only the Scriptures."

September 24, 2017 • 6:00 pm

Baptismal Regeneration?


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Acts: The Unstoppable Work of the Risen Christ

Synopsis: A number of religious groups practice the belief of "baptismal regeneration," literally, "being born again through baptism." In essence, they teach that salvation is impossible apart from water baptism. What does the Bible say about this belief? Is this what the Holy Spirit intended to communicate on the day of Pentecost when Peter delivered the gospel message?

September 24, 2017 • 11:00 am

I AM the True Vine, Part 4


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Knowing Christ: The I AM - The Self-Revelation of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John

Synopsis: In this final message from John 15, the 7th of 7 pictorial descriptions of Christ in this Gospel, emphasis is placed upon Christ's fullness as the vine. The total satisfaction and complete sufficiency of our Savior to sustain life and to provide nourishment for life is seen in two ways. Christ has a message for you today in this text whether you are a branch outside of Him or a branch in Him.

September 17, 2017 • 6:00 pm

Observance of The Lord's Supper


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Lord's Supper

Synopsis: In preparation for the Lord's Supper, we draw our attention to Zechariah 13:7 and Matthew 26:26-32 and note the Old Testament prophecy given regarding "The Smiting of the Shepherd." There are two powerful thoughts that are overwhelming when they are considered. NOTE: Since the evening service centers around the observance of this important church ordinance, extended periods of silence were edited out from the audio recording so that there can be continuity in what is spoken and what is heard musically.

September 17, 2017 • 11:00 am

I AM the True Vine, Part 3


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Knowing Christ: The I AM - The Self-Revelation of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John

Synopsis: In this third of four messages from John 15, we continue looking at the fruitfulness of Christ. Today we ask and answer the question, "What is the kind of fruit that is being produced in the lives of believers that Jesus is speaking of?" The message concludes with an encouraging thought as the provision for fruitfulness is considered.

September 3, 2017 • 6:00 pm

The Movement of God's Spirit at Pentecost


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Acts: The Unstoppable Work of the Risen Christ

Synopsis: This message focuses on the response that was given to Peter's preaching. Peter called for a two-fold response from those who called out for what their next steps needed to be. One of the encouraging lessons we can learn from our text is that God is able to use us in the twenty-first century as He did His saints back in the first century. It is our privilege to be useful and usable to Him in proclaiming the Gospel of Christ. In our text today, there are two distinct ways in which God's Spirit moved in the hearts of the Jews who heard Peter preach. It's the same two ways God works in hearts today.

September 3, 2017 • 11:00 am

I AM the True Vine, Part 2


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Knowing Christ: The I AM - The Self-Revelation of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John

Synopsis: This message is the second of four from John 15 in which Jesus declares "I am the true vine." This statement presents a sharp contrast between the fruitlessness of Israel (a failing and imperfect type of Christ) and the fruitfulness of Christ. He is the true vine Who does not fail to produce the fruit the Father wanted to see and which glorifies Him. Christ's fruitfulness is seen in two distinct ways in our text. As Christ considers you, would He be able to say "you are one of my branches?"

August 27, 2017 • 11:00 am

I AM the True Vine, Part 1


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Knowing Christ: The I AM - The Self-Revelation of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John

Synopsis: In this first of four sermons from John 15 in which Jesus identifies Himself as the true vine, there are three main substantive ideas being communicated. This message covers the first of these truths about the person and work of Christ. He is uniquely qualified to the Savior of sinners. His unique perfection, His unique person, and His unique passion declare His fitness as the true Vine.

August 24, 2017 • 7:00 pm

What It Means to Be A Witness


Speaker: Evangelist Mark Herbster

Series: 2017 Revival Meetings_Mark Herbster

Synopsis: Someone once said, "Christ's last command ought to be our first priority." God has a job description for us--a watchman. What is that? What was his job? Find out what God intends you to be and do.

August 23, 2017 • 7:00 pm

The Glorious Gospel


Speaker: Evangelist Mark Herbster

Series: 2017 Revival Meetings_Mark Herbster

Synopsis: The greatest news in the world will not be found on any of the TV networks, but in God's Word. The Gospel is God's Good News to sinful man. In essence the gospel is all about who Jesus is, what Jesus said, and what Jesus did. With good reason, then we should delight in hearing it and sharing it.