June 19, 2022 • 11:00 am

How to Avoid Becoming a Foolish Father


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Father's Day

Synopsis: From Solomon we learn that even a wise man can indeed become a very foolish father. So how do we avoid repeating his mistakes? From our text today emerges three truths that every godly father must be convinced of and practice. While this Father's Day message is geared primarily to fathers, yet for those single moms who function in a dual capacity performing the roles of father and mother, the same truths can instruct, encourage and equip so that they can profit as well.

June 12, 2022 • 5:30 pm

Forgiven and Forgiving, Part 4


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Lord's Prayer

Synopsis: In this parable Jesus gave to Peter, sobering truth is given regarding the seriousness and urgency of forgiving those who hurt us. Where do we find the ability to forgive? Has someone wronged us or hurt us, offended us in such a way that it could be honestly said, the debt they owe us is greater than the debt we owe God because of our trespasses against Him?

June 12, 2022 • 11:00 am

Personal Renewal: What's In Your Closet? Part 3


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Personal Renewal

Synopsis: Today we begin looking at the second foundational truth that flows out of Paul's teaching in Ephesians 4:17-24: personal renewal is not only possible, but is a successful process when empowered by God's grace and His Spirit. It's God's plan for our lives. Through three key words in vv. 22-24, God reveals for us the result that all teaching of His truth is to have upon us so that change and growth may take place. It's a reliable road map for us to follow. This message looks at the first of these words in v. 22.

June 5, 2022 • 5:30 pm

Forgiven and Forgiving, Part 3


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Lord's Prayer

Synopsis: Many are living under the crushing burden of financial debt--not a fun way to live. Neither is it a fun way to live to be under the crushing burden of an unwillingness to forgive those who owe you for all the pain, hardships, and suffering they have caused. In this third message expounding this 5th prayer request in "The Lord's Prayer," we look at the second of two key concepts in this verse that must be understood if we are to know exactly what it is for which we are praying when we offer this petition to God.

June 5, 2022 • 11:00 am

Personal Renewal: What's In Your Closet? Part 2


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Personal Renewal

Synopsis: Flowing out from Paul's line of thinking/teaching on how we mature or grow in Christ, are two foundational truths we are to embrace and practice. The first of these is covered in today's message from Ephesians 4:17-24.

May 29, 2022 • 5:30 pm

Personal Renewal: What's in Your Closet? Part 1


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Personal Renewal

Synopsis: Paul uses a clothing analogy to drive home important truth about the nature of biblical change and how we grow spiritually. As we unpack our text tonight, it's important to understand Paul's flow of thought as he instructs how personal renewal takes place.

May 29, 2022 • 11:00 am

Remember--Lest We Forget


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Memorial Day

Synopsis: On this Memorial Day, we do well to remember the sources from which our national blessings come. That is the same admonition given to Israel in Deuteronomy 8! Our text provides us with two warnings to "Remember--Lest We Forget" and take all God's blessings for granted. Each one has a key sign to watch for when we fail to heed these warnings!

May 22, 2022 • 11:00 am

Renewal: Where It All Begins


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Personal Renewal

Synopsis: When it comes to imaging Christ in our relationships with ourselves, our circumstances and with people, three non-negotiable truths must be embraced, kept in mind and practiced as personal renewal cannot take place apart from any one of them. When it comes to personal renewal, this is where it all begins.

May 15, 2022 • 11:00 am

The Rejected Shepherd's Judgment


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Zechariah: Hope in God's Unfailing Purpose

Synopsis: Chapters 10 and 11 are linked together, each being the flip-side of the other. In chapter 10 we see the benevolence of the Shepherd while in chapter 11 we see the rejection of the Shepherd. Chapter 11 deals with this theme of rejection and judgment. The message of this chapter is just as powerfully gripping and relevant today as it was in the day it was first delivered. It's a message that calls us to make a choice in response to it today. Will we experience the Chief Shepherd's blessing or the Rejected Shepherd's Judgment?

May 8, 2022 • 5:30 pm

Moms Who Made a Difference, Part 2


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Mother's Day

Synopsis: In part 2 of "Moms Who Made A Difference," we look at three other moms - one in the Old Testament (Hannah) and two in the New Testament (Lois and Eunice). With each one there is a key truth to associate with their names which we can all apply to our lives, whether mothers or not.

May 8, 2022 • 11:00 am

Moms Who Made A Difference, Part 1


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Mother's Day

Synopsis: Every good mother wants to know that she is making a difference in her child's life. On this Mother's Day we look at two mothers who made a difference by the way they lived. Whether you are a mother or not, these lessons of faith still apply to each one of us today!

May 1, 2022 • 5:30 pm

The Sight of the Risen Savior, Part 2


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Easter

Synopsis: This message is part 2 of an Easter message began on Easter. In it our pastor covers the final two ways we know we have seen the resurrected Christ with the eye of faith.