November 6, 2022 • 11:00 am

A Challenging Command & Comforting Promise

Scripture: Matthew 6:33

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Personal Renewal

Synopsis: Today's passage reveals a fifth step we can take if we are to experience personal renewal and live a transformed life. It reveals to us a challenging command that is followed by a comforting promise designed to encourage us to accept the challenge Christ presents to all who live as citizens in His kingdom.

October 30, 2022 • 5:30 pm

Philemon: A Look at the Book

Scripture: Philemon 1:1-25

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Philemon: Portraits of Transforming and Triumphant Grace

Synopsis: In this first message we take an overview of this short book by way of introduction and note the key message it presents. For that we draw application with some thought-provoking matters and questions to ask ourselves.

October 30, 2022 • 11:00 am

Cleansing and Renewal, Part 2

Scripture: Psalm 51:10-12

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Personal Renewal

Synopsis: Psalm 51:10 contains two requests that David prays to the Lord: 1) a request for cleansing, 2) a request for renewal. Today's message looks at this second request that has four components to it.

October 23, 2022 • 5:30 pm

The Doxology in The Lord's Prayer: Inspired Text or Inserted Text? Part 2

Scripture: Matthew 6:13b

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Lord's Prayer

Synopsis: Tonight we continue dealing with the matter of the claim found in many of the modern study Bibles that the "earliest and most reliable Greek manuscripts" omit the doxology from Matthew 6:13. Two other questions are addressed in tonight's message: 1) Are there any ancient witnesses that mention this doxology or did it indeed appear as a late insertion by an unknown scribe as is claimed? and 2) Why the difference between Matthew's account and Luke's account? Matthew contains the doxology while Luke does not.

October 23, 2022 • 11:00 am

Cleansing and Renewal, Part 1

Scripture: Psalm 51:10-12

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Personal Renewal

Synopsis: Today we look at another step we can take to experience personal renewal as we seek to live a transformed life. David's prayer is a model both for those who are born-again and those who are not. Our text in Psalm 51:10 contains two prayer requests. We look at the first one today--a request for cleansing.

October 16, 2022 • 5:30 pm

The Doxology in The Lord's Prayer: Inspired Text or Inserted Text?

Scripture: Matthew 6:13

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Lord's Prayer

Synopsis: The Roman Catholic Bible and modern versions of the Bible do not contain the doxology that concludes The Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:13. Why is that? In part one of two, we look at the reason for that and the resultant confusion it creates.

October 16, 2022 • 11:00 am

Waiting upon the LORD, Part 2

Scripture: Isaiah 40:31

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Personal Renewal

Synopsis: In today's message we continue looking at the blessed promise and then the blessed provision found in this verse. Waiting upon the LORD brings both. Through three images, mounting up with wings as eagles, running and walking, the Lord communicates two special provisions are given to those who wait upon the Lord. These images expand upon the idea of renewing our strength.

October 9, 2022 • 5:30 pm

The Doxology in The Lord's Prayer, Part 3

Scripture: Matthew 6:13

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Lord's Prayer

Synopsis: As we look carefully at the doxology that ends Matthew 6:13, we find that it performs two distinct functions as a fitting conclusion to The Lord's Prayer. It supplies the reason our Lord closed this model prayer the way that He did. Tonight's message focuses upon the second of these two functions.

October 9, 2022 • 11:00 am

Waiting upon the LORD, Part 1

Scripture: Isaiah 40:31

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Personal Renewal

Synopsis: Isaiah 40:31 contains both a blessed promise and a blessed provision. They are center on the opening words of this verse--what it means to wait upon the LORD. Many Christians today are not enjoying the strength and power promised in this verse because they have not learned to "wait upon the LORD." So exactly what does that mean? Today's message explains and applies that truth.

October 2, 2022 • 5:30 pm

The Doxology in the Lord's Prayer, Part 2

Scripture: Matthew 6:13

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Lord's Prayer

Synopsis: The doxology in "The Lord's Prayer" serves two important functions and is the ending the Savior Himself gave to His disciples when He taught them to pray. Tonight we finish looking at the first of these functions that provides the three reasons we can expect God to hear and answer our prayer when we pray Matthew 6:13.

October 2, 2022 • 11:00 am

The Path to Personal Renewal, Part 1

Scripture: Psalm 23:1-3

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: Personal Renewal

Synopsis: Today we return to Psalm 23:1-3 for another message from God's Word on the theme of personal renewal. Last week we saw that we can experience personal renewal when we come to the Source of it--the LORD our Shepherd. Today we look at how we can know personal renewal - when we follow our Shepherd.

September 25, 2022 • 5:30 pm

The Doxology in The Lord's Prayer, Part1

Scripture: Matthew 6:13

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Lord's Prayer

Synopsis: When you look at the words that end verse 13, they perform two distinct functions. Tonight's message deals with the first of these.