What It Means to Be A Witness

August 24, 2017 • 7:00 pm


Speaker: Evangelist Mark Herbster

Series: 2017 Revival Meetings_Mark Herbster

Part of the series:

2017 Revival Meetings_Mark Herbster

These messages were delivered by Evangelist Mark Herbster to our church in a rented suite in North Charleston, SC while our new church in Hanahan was being built.

August 20, 2017 • 10:00 am

Four Responses of Biblical Worship


Speaker: Evangelist Mark Herbster

Series: 2017 Revival Meetings_Mark Herbster

Synopsis: Real worship is not a ritual; it is responding to God and His truth. It's not about a place; it's all about a Person. Real worship is not just corporate but personal. Don't think of worship as being confined to just one day; rather it is to be a way of life. When we leave church on Sunday, we are not done with worship for the week!

August 20, 2017 • 11:00 am

Living Life as a Practical Atheist


Speaker: Evangelist Mark Herbster

Series: 2017 Revival Meetings_Mark Herbster

Synopsis: There's no need to call yourself a Christian if you aren't living like you really believe these three truths about God's character!

August 20, 2017 • 6:00 pm

Evidences of Humility


Speaker: Evangelist Mark Herbster

Series: 2017 Revival Meetings_Mark Herbster

Synopsis: The destructive forces of pride are seen by its fruit. A refusal to acknowledge pride is evidence of it. God honors people with genuine humility. What does that look like in life?

August 21, 2017 • 7:00 pm

Triumphing Over Temptation


Speaker: Evangelist Mark Herbster

Series: 2017 Revival Meetings_Mark Herbster

Synopsis: Some of the most competitive men and women in life are content to be defeated in their spiritual life. They seemingly have no will to be victorious over temptation because they have lost too many battles with the same sin. Some people are lessons to learn from; others are examples to follow. The first is negative; the second is positive. If Joseph could walk with God successfully overcoming temptation, then so can you. Here are three dynamics of temptation you need to know.

August 22, 2017 • 7:00 pm

Core Values of a Christian Soldier


Speaker: Evangelist Mark Herbster

Series: 2017 Revival Meetings_Mark Herbster

Synopsis: What does Christian living and being a soldier have in common? It is impossible to be faithful in the battle without these four characteristics. Do you have them?

August 23, 2017 • 7:00 pm

The Glorious Gospel


Speaker: Evangelist Mark Herbster

Series: 2017 Revival Meetings_Mark Herbster

Synopsis: The greatest news in the world will not be found on any of the TV networks, but in God's Word. The Gospel is God's Good News to sinful man. In essence the gospel is all about who Jesus is, what Jesus said, and what Jesus did. With good reason, then we should delight in hearing it and sharing it.

August 24, 2017 • 7:00 pm

What It Means to Be A Witness


Speaker: Evangelist Mark Herbster

Series: 2017 Revival Meetings_Mark Herbster

Synopsis: Someone once said, "Christ's last command ought to be our first priority." God has a job description for us--a watchman. What is that? What was his job? Find out what God intends you to be and do.