Two Kinds of Faith: True/False, Part 1

August 18, 2019 • 11:00 am


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Hard to believe the summer is almost over and schools are open and others are about to be! Soon students will be taking quizzes to evaluate their progress in learning. Quizzes with true/false questions are often the more preferred type of evaluation due to its easiness and simplicity.

Jeremiah 17:5-10 presents two types of people that operate with two types of faith--True/False. That raises two necessary and important questions: How does one know which person God considers him to be and how does he know if he has true or false faith? In part one of this message, we look at the first kind of person who expresses the kind of faith that operates under God's curse.

Do you express these three characteristics that Jeremiah mentions that are the stated condition of those under God's curse?