The Message at Pentecost, Part 2

August 6, 2017 • 6:00 pm


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Acts: The Unstoppable Work of the Risen Christ

Part of the series:

The Acts: The Unstoppable Work of the Risen Christ

July 16, 2017 • 6:00 pm

The Message at Pentecost, Part 1


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Acts: The Unstoppable Work of the Risen Christ

Synopsis: This message looks at the message that Peter preached on the day of Pentecost. One of the vital lessons we learn is that if we are to be effective in proclaiming Christ, we must have God's power. Another lesson is the absolute necessity of depending upon God's Spirit, like a hand that fills a glove, to be useful and usable to impact souls for Christ.

August 6, 2017 • 6:00 pm

The Message at Pentecost, Part 2


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Acts: The Unstoppable Work of the Risen Christ

Synopsis: Peter's address to the Jewish crowd filled with scoffers and those curious about the miracle at Pentecost is a model for us to follow in our own proclamation of the gospel. In part two of this "Message at Pentecost," special attention is given to the character of Peter's message: it was Scriptural. His reliance upon God's Word instead of his own is a pattern for us to adopt. Furthermore, Peter explains it was the reality of Christ's resurrection, verified by present-day witnesses and predicted in the Old Testament by credible sources, that served as the catalyst for the proclamation of the gospel to the visitors in Jerusalem in the unique manner in which it was done. The reality of the resurrection ought to prompt us to use God's Word to boldly proclaim the same gospel the early disciples did.

September 3, 2017 • 6:00 pm

The Movement of God's Spirit at Pentecost


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Acts: The Unstoppable Work of the Risen Christ

Synopsis: This message focuses on the response that was given to Peter's preaching. Peter called for a two-fold response from those who called out for what their next steps needed to be. One of the encouraging lessons we can learn from our text is that God is able to use us in the twenty-first century as He did His saints back in the first century. It is our privilege to be useful and usable to Him in proclaiming the Gospel of Christ. In our text today, there are two distinct ways in which God's Spirit moved in the hearts of the Jews who heard Peter preach. It's the same two ways God works in hearts today.

September 24, 2017 • 6:00 pm

Baptismal Regeneration?


Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: The Acts: The Unstoppable Work of the Risen Christ

Synopsis: A number of religious groups practice the belief of "baptismal regeneration," literally, "being born again through baptism." In essence, they teach that salvation is impossible apart from water baptism. What does the Bible say about this belief? Is this what the Holy Spirit intended to communicate on the day of Pentecost when Peter delivered the gospel message?