2023 Annual Ministry Theme

Sermon Series:

2023 Annual Ministry Theme

A series of messages dealing with our ministry theme for 2023.

March 12, 2023 • 11:00 am

Why We Can Trust the Bible, Part 3

Scripture: 2 Peter 1:19-21

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: 2023 Annual Ministry Theme

Synopsis: Our text this morning offers us the second of two great reasons we can trust the Bible. The first reason was given in vv. 16-18 and was the subject of last Sunday's message. This morning we look at vv. 19-21 to discover the second great reason.

March 5, 2023 • 5:30 pm

Why We Can Trust the Bible, Part 2

Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:14-17

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: 2023 Annual Ministry Theme

Synopsis: Tonight in our survey of the Old Testament and New Testament we discover evidences of the Bible's unique origin and nature. It is both inspired of God and inerrant as God.

March 5, 2023 • 11:00 am

Why We Can Trust the Bible, Part 1

Scripture: 2 Peter 1:16-21

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: 2023 Annual Ministry Theme

Synopsis: Our text shows the Bible can be accepted as the trustworthy, authoritative basis for our lives for two main reasons. This message covers the first reason.

February 19, 2023 • 5:30 pm

Divine Inspiration: God's Truth in Words

Scripture: Jeremiah 32:1-8

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: 2023 Annual Ministry Theme

Synopsis: In Jeremiah 36, there are four important truths for us to see regarding the divine inspiration of the Scriptures and each one is inherent in the description of how this scroll was written at God's command.

February 19, 2023 • 11:00 am

Reasons for Responding Properly to God’s Words

Scripture: Jeremiah 36:1-32

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: 2023 Annual Ministry Theme

Synopsis: Each time the Word of God is heard, He expects you to give it a proper, positive response! Otherwise it will not profit you! (Cf. Hebrews 4:2) Each of the major points developing this theme in Jeremiah 36 of responding properly to God's Word when it is heard, presents a reason for why we should.

February 12, 2023 • 5:30 pm

Internalize and Personalize

Scripture: Deuteronomy 32:46-47

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: 2023 Annual Ministry Theme

Synopsis: As a follow up on this morning's message from 1 Thessalonians 2:13, we look at another text of Scripture that deals with our estimate of God's truth and how we can model the kind of responsiveness to it that receives God's stamp of approval. Our challenge is to take to heart the message from God's heart in our text. God wants us to internalize and personalize His Words to us. Tonight's message looks at answering three questions: 1) Why is this so important 2) What does this look like in life? 3) How do I do this?

February 12, 2023 • 11:00 am

Right Thinking About God's Truth

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:13

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: 2023 Annual Ministry Theme

Synopsis: Today's text of Scripture deals with our estimate of God's truth and how we can model the kind of responsive heart that received God's stamp of approval. It presents to us a pattern for responding properly to God's Word. God's truth is advanced in our lives when we personally welcome it and positively respond to it. Do we view and respond to the Scripture the same way the Thessalonian believers did?

February 5, 2023 • 11:00 am

That's the Truth! Part 2

Scripture: John 17:17

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: 2023 Annual Ministry Theme

Synopsis: Our last message focused on the second half of John 17:17 and unpacked the nature of truth as defined and delivered by God. It has been personally and propositionally delivered to us. In today's message we move to focus on the first part of v. 17 where we find a three-fold instructive, impactful message of truth for us for us that indicates the function of divinely revealed truth.

January 29, 2023 • 11:00 am

That's the Truth! Part 1

Scripture: John 17:17

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: 2023 Annual Ministry Theme

Synopsis: Today's message continues to expound upon the theme of "Advancing the Truth." Last week we looked at three arenas in which God's truth is to be advanced and be given a position of prominence. Today, we zero in on the last word of our ministry theme, "truth." We must know what we are advancing and have that as a settled conviction so that not even circumstances nor people can tear us away from it - whether by doubt, denial, or dismissal.

January 22, 2023 • 11:00 am

Advancing the Truth, Part 2

Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 3:1

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: 2023 Annual Ministry Theme

Synopsis: In this morning's message we return to our text in 2 Thessalonians 3:1 to see three arenas in which God's Word needs to advance freely and be given a place of prominence and exaltation as we individually and corporately engage in "Advancing the Truth" - our new ministry theme this year.

January 15, 2023 • 11:00 am

Advancing the Truth, Part 1

Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 3:1

Speaker: Pastor Miguel Betancourt II

Series: 2023 Annual Ministry Theme

Synopsis: Today's message unveils the new ministry theme for our church in 2023--Advancing the Truth. In our text there is both a critical component and a critical need. Paul asks the Thessalonians to pray for him and his team and has two specific requests in mind. If we are to engage in "Advancing the Truth," we must embrace Paul's perspective and practice.