Ferndale Baptist School
Need high school transcripts?
For those individuals needing high school transcripts from Ferndale Baptist School, please have the academic institution you wish to attend call (843) 277-2007 or send an email to our church office. We would be happy to either fax or mail the transcripts once the official request is received. We regret that we cannot release these records to individuals who stop by our office.
For those academic institutions that wish to contact us by mail, our mailing address is 901 Foster Creek Road, Hanahan, SC 29410-4703. Our administrative assistant will be happy to fulfill requests for high school transcripts sent by academic institutions to our office.
We have relocated our church ministry to a new piece of property we have purchased in Hanahan. We changed our ministry name to "Foster Creek Baptist Church." You can keep up with our new ministry by returning to our site or by going to our Facebook page.
If you are a graduate of Ferndale Baptist School or attended our school, feel free to stop by and visit with us on Sunday! We'd love to have you worship with us at either the 11 am or 5 pm service on Sunday. Who knows? You just might see a former faculty member!